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CocoRosie: The Adventures of Ghosthorse and Stillborn

CocoRosie: The Adventures of Ghosthorse and Stillborn
Touch & Go: 4/9/2007

The critical controversy surrounding CocoRosie exposes hypocrisy exhibited by many critics. They crave originality but frequently dismiss truly visionary artists for being too weird. CocoRosie have gotten some love in the press, but they still have their share of haters. In a few years, I think that those that originally panned Ghosthorse and Stillborn will not only reconsider their positions, but try to convince everyone that they loved CocoRosie before they were popular.

Ghosthorse and Stillborn is difficult to classify or describe. Imagine if a bunch of Care Bears stayed up for several days smoking joints dipped in embalming fluid and watching David Cronenberg films, then decided to make a hip-hop album with a dash of opera. This description is probably as close as any you will read. It can be abrasive at first listen, but given an honest chance, Ghosthorse and Stillborn will not fail to impress.

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